Grow Shine Succeed
Growing resilient, empathetic children who thrive in our ever-changing world.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a resource supporting parents and teachers to help children thrive in their home, school and beyond.
Children face challenges every day, sometimes they work through them independently but more often they need our help. As parents and teachers it can be hard to know how to best provide that help to children so at Grow Shine Succeed we help you work out where to start with supporting your children.
I hope Grow Shine Succeed can be a place where you can find that help, whether it be tried and tested resources for classrooms, ideas to promote well being in children, home learning ideas or strategies for behaviour management.
Values Focussed
I am passionate about being driven by my values of growth, integrity, creativity and compassion.
Which is ultimately why I started this website to share ideas with other teachers and parents hoping to make a difference for others.
It is also why I am always keen to learn more and collaborate with others.
If you have a student, parent or teacher related project you would like to work on together please get in touch.
Want to collaborate?
Complete the form below to get in touch!
About Hannah Trenowden
I'm a Mum of two tween girls and pre-school twin boys, who as you can imagine, all keep me on my toes. After teaching in primary classrooms for over 10 years, I moved in a well being role in a community school where the focus was on supporting children to overcome challenges and ultimately thrive. While my leadership journey has evolved I have kept the wellbeing of students and teachers at centre of everything I implement.